Magyarregula2008, Hungary’s most prestigious control technology and industry automation exhibition was open for four days in February, where evopro attended as well. The evopro booth has also raised the interest of attendants at the two-day Pollack-EXPO, the largest electrical, building and engineering industry expo in the South Transdanubium region.

Magyarregula2008, Hungary’s most prestigious control technology and industry automation exhibition was open for four days in February. Amongst the many multinational companies evopro was also represented in the SYMA exhibition center with a booth worthy of the size and the success of the company. We’ve informed interested attendants about the PCS7 based systems, the operation of the Drive Center and the functions of a new electrical design system distributed by evopro. Sándor Elek held a presentation at the event titled “Modernization of process control system technologies” based on past project experiences.
The evopro booth has also raised the interest of attendants at the two-day Pollack-EXPO, the largest electrical, building and engineering industry expo in the South Transdanubium region. At the company presentation senior year college students were able to learn about opportunities offered by evopro. Also in March the Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution held a job fair where evopro has offered numerous career opportunities to senior year and recently graduated college students, and to those interested in coop trainings.
